Sunday, 27 March 2022

Biofeedback Lifestyle

 Biofeeback lifestyle - by

Often called “The Medicine of the 21st century” Energetic Medicine in many forms is rapidly gaining acceptance in the West. As technology develops new findings validate what has been know and practiced for centuries – that, in essence, our body is energy, rapidly moving at many different frequencies. In his groundbreaking book, Vibrational Medicine, Dr. Richard Gerber states, “The Einstein paradigm as applied to vibrational medicine sees human beings as networks of complex energy fields that interface with physical/cellular systems. The recognition that all matter is energy forms the foundation for understanding how human beings can be considered dynamic energy systems.”

Since the development of electricity in the last century technical knowledge grows exponentially day by day. In medicine, the development of x-rays to see inside the human body opened the way for further development of these rays for therapeutic purposes as well as leading to the understanding and treatment of human beings from an energetic perspective.

In the 1960’s, Dr. Robert O. Bekker, an orthopaedic surgeon, studied a salamander’s ability to a to re-grow a lost limb as compared with a frog who cannot. He found that it was due to a difference in the polarity of the cells in the “current of injury” (electric potential measured across the stump of an amputated limb). By applying similar electro stimulation to the stump of an amputated limb of a frog, the frog was able to regenerate a new limb. His finding resulted in the widespread use of electro-magnetic devises to accelerate the healing of bone fractures.

As technology developed, so did its medical applications. The CAT Scan (Computerized Axial Tomography) sends a thin beam of x-rays into the subject. A computer mathematically analyses the data and reconstructs an image of a cross section of the human body allowing the view of soft tissue as well as the denser bones that were visible using convention x-rays. In the 1980’s the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) was developed. “The key principle behind magnetic resonance imaging is the fact that the atoms under study (hydrogen) are being stimulated by the transfer of an energy of a specific frequency.”

Energetic Medicine is based on the principles of quantum physics rather than on the Newtonian approach which deals primarily with molecular interactions. “Vibrational medicine attempts to interface with primary subtle energetic fields that underlie and contribute to the functional expression of the physical body.”

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) a German physician, dissatisfied with the medical practices of his day founded a system of healing based on the principle of “like cures like”. He successfully treated his patients by using herbs that brought on symptoms in a healthy person that were similar to those his patient suffered. After experimenting with different dosages of these substances he discovered that the greater the dilution, the more effective the medication. Often the remedy was diluted to the point that there was not a single molecule of the herb present. According to the Newtonian model, such a medicine would have no effect on the human body. However, as anyone who has taken homeopathic remedies can attest, they do indeed work. If one looks at the process from an energetic point of view one can see why.

The content of this blog is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any question you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor immediately. Opt4health does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physician, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Opt4health blog. Reliance on any information provided by Opt4health, Opt4health employees, other contributors appearing on the blog at the invitation of Opt4health, or other visitors to the blog is solely at your own risk.


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Sunday, 13 March 2022

A Brief Introduction to Energetic Medicine

 A Brief Introduction to Energetic Medicine - Dr. Igor Četojević, MD ~ Specialist in Energetic Medicine

Often called “The Medicine of the 21st century” Energetic Medicine in many forms is rapidly gaining acceptance in the West. As technology develops new findings validate what has been known and practiced for centuries – that, in essence, our body is energy, rapidly moving at many different frequencies. In his groundbreaking book, Vibrational Medicine, Dr. Richard Gerber states, “The Einstein paradigm as applied to vibrational medicine sees human beings as networks of complex energy fields that interface with physical/cellular systems. The recognition that all matter is energy forms the foundation for understanding how human beings can be considered dynamic energy systems.”

Since the development of electricity in the last century technical knowledge grows exponentially day by day. In medicine, the development of x-rays to see inside the human body opened the way for further development of these rays for therapeutic purposes as well as leading to the understanding and treatment of human beings from an energetic perspective.

In the 1960’s, Dr. Robert O. Bekker, an orthopedic surgeon, studied a salamander’s ability to a to regrow a lost limb as compared with a frog who cannot. He found that it was due to a difference in the polarity of the cells in the “current of injury” (electric potential measured across the stump of an amputated limb). By applying similar electrostimulation to the stump of an amputated limb of a frog, the frog was able to regenerate a new limb. His finding resulted in the widespread use of electro-magnetic devices to accelerate the healing of bone fractures.

As technology developed, so did its medical applications. The CAT Scan (Computerised Axial Tomography) sends a thin beam of x-rays into the subject. A computer mathematically analyses the data and reconstructs an image of a cross section of the human body allowing the view of soft tissue as well as the denser bones that were visible using convention x-rays. In the 1980’s the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) was developed. “The key principle behind magnetic resonance imaging is the fact that the atoms under study (hydrogen) are being stimulated by the transfer of an energy of a specific frequency.”

Energetic Medicine is based on the principles of quantum physics rather than on the Newtonian approach which deals primarily with molecular interactions. “Vibrational medicine attempts to interface with primary subtle energetic fields that underlie and contribute to the functional expression of the physical body.”

Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) a German physician, dissatisfied with the medical practices of his day founded a system of healing based on the principle of “like cures like”. He successfully treated his patients by using herbs that brought on symptoms in a healthy person that were similar to those his patient suffered. After experimenting with different dosages of these substances he discovered that the greater the dilution, the more effective the medication. Often the remedy was diluted to the point that there was not a single molecule of the herb present. According to the Newtonian model, such a medicine would have no effect on the human body. However, as anyone who has taken homeopathic remedies can attest, they do indeed work. If one looks at the process from an energetic point of view one can see why. As Dr. Gerber points out, “Homeopathic remedies are subtle-energy medicines which contain the energetic frequency or “vibrational signature” of the plant from which they have been prepared. Impaired host resistance to infections and cancer may be partially due to subtle energy weakness of the system at the etheric or higher levels. Based on this assumption, a truly preventative medicine would be based on the analysis of dysfunctional changes in the etheric body before they become crystallized as a physical illness.”

With the development of faster and faster computers, new frontiers are opening up in the field of bioresonance. In the mid 80's, Professor William Nelson assembled the tri-vector analysis on 1000's of homeopathic substances. He developed the Fourier analysis algorithms for reactivity and began to put together the puzzle of the tri-vector cybernetic link. In 1995 Professor Nelson developed the SCIO (Quantum Xxroid Consciousness Interface) to measure and balance subtle electrical factors of the body.

The SCIO device measures over forty virtual dimensions. The variations of amperage and voltage flow provide the means to measure capacitance and inductance. These are the reflections of static and magnetic effects of bio-electricity. Variations in amperage and voltage allow the measurement of frequency. Due to such detailed pinpointing of the various frequencies in the human body, the SCIO provides very accurate evaluation of the patient’s condition and can identify problems before they manifest in the physical body. It can send “correct" frequencies to the are of weakness, and with the co-operation of the patient (making the necessary changes in diet and lifestyle to correct the condition that caused the problem) can effect very efficient healing.

Through the recent breakthroughs in science and technology it is much easier to understand why traditional healing practices such as acupuncture, Ayurvedic medicine and crystal therapy, etc., are effective. They are based on the knowledge of the deepest workings of the human body that is only now beginning to come to light in Western medicine.

The content of this blog is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any question you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor immediately. Opt4health does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physician, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Opt4health blog. Reliance on any information provided by Opt4health, Opt4health employees, other contributors appearing on the blog at the invitation of Opt4health, or other visitors to the blog is solely at your own risk.


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Sunday, 6 March 2022

Reduce Inflammation

by Dr. Josh Axe 22.02.2019

Despite having seemingly little in common, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, gastritis, depression, cancer, and asthma all share one common trait: they may be caused or worsened by inflammation. And while inflammation can sometimes be good – like when it’s helping your body fight an infection, for example – chronic inflammation can lead to long-term health problems, including the ones I just mentioned. In fact, research has shown that inflammation is at the root of most diseases.

A sedentary lifestyle, stress, and environmental factors can all contribute to inflammation – but a poor diet is also a key factor. Luckily, certain foods are natural anti-inflammatories, and eating them can help.
Where does inflammation come from?
Our immune system is activated when our body detects foreign substances, such as bacteria, viruses, pollen, or chemicals, but also certain foods like white bread, fried foods, sugary drinks, and red meat. This often triggers a process described as inflammation. Temporary inflammation directed at truly threatening invaders protects our health. However, sometimes inflammation persists and becomes a chronic condition. Chronic inflammation is associated with diseases like diabetes, arthritis, depression, cancer, heart disease, or Alzheimer’s. Free radicals – highly reactive oxygen molecules that damage biologically-relevant molecules like proteins, lipids, or our DNA – play a key role in the creation of inflammation. Free radicals can be neutralized by substances in our food called antioxidants.
There’s a reason these powerful foods are on nearly every healthy eating list. Leafy greens are packed with antioxidants that have a positive effect on our health. They also contain an array of vitamins, and powerful anti-inflammatory flavonoids. The beauty of leafy greens is that there are so many! Choose from spinach, kale, Swiss chard, arugula, collard greens, and mustard greens (also known as brown mustard, Chinese mustard, Indian mustard, or leaf mustard).
Quercetin (= plant pigment) is considered a powerful antioxidant that helps fight inflammation, and it’s prominent in blueberries. In fact, blueberries are full of antioxidants. One study found that the bright little fruit not only beat out blackberries and strawberries for having the most antioxidants, but it also had more types of antioxidants, thus providing a wide range of anti-inflammatory protection each time you eat a handful.
Combine both #1 and #2 by whipping up a Blueberry & Kale Smoothie for breakfast or midday snack.
Pineapples are another natural anti-inflammatory. They are full of bromelain, a digestive enzyme that helps regulate your body’s immune response, so that it doesn’t react with unnecessary inflammation. Bromelain also contributes to heart health. The tropical fruit is chock-full of minerals and vitamins (e.g. vitamin C), potassium, and the trace element manganese (which is involved in activating enzymes that destroy free radicals).
Good to know:
If you want to benefit from the anti-inflammatory properties of pineapple, drink pineapple concentrate, which contains a much higher concentration of bromelain than a ripe pineapple.
Salmon is another great anti-inflammatory food. It is rich in the essential omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid. The fatty acids contained in salmon can benefit your heart, skin, and brain health.
Especially interesting:
Omega-3s can provide relief from inflammation and even reduce the need for anti-inflammatory meds.
These little seeds really pack a punch. Not only are they loaded with vitamins and minerals, but they’re also a healthy source of essential fatty acids (like omega-3s) – a helpful alternative source if you don’t eat meat. Chia seeds help fight inflammation, regulate cholesterol levels, and lower blood pressure, making them excellent for your heart. They’re also high in linoleic acid, a fatty acid that helps the body better absorb the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.
Turmeric isn’t exactly a food, but it may just become your new go-to spice:
Curcumin, the yellow-orange pigment in turmeric, is said to be a strong anti-inflammatory agent. Many studies are currently testing the effect of curcumin on different types of cancer, diabetes, joint changes (osteoarthritis), and retinal damage. 
As you can see, there are many natural anti-inflammatory foods that benefit your health. Now go ahead and start incorporating more of these foods into your diet on a regular basis.

The content of this blog is for informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any question you may have regarding a medical condition. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor immediately. Opt4health does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physician, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Opt4health blog. Reliance on any information provided by Opt4health, Opt4health employees, other contributors appearing on the blog at the invitation of Opt4health, or other visitors to the blog is solely at your own risk.


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