Oil Immune System: Guard Your Health to the Max
Coconut oil is to your immune system as a mighty military force
is to their people. Your immune system is THE specialty of coconut oil.
white blood cells of your immune system are engaged in a never-ending
battle against invading microbes. These crucial blood cells also clean out
diseased and cancerous cells.A stressed out immune system will eventually lead to excessive buildup of toxins and harmful organisms.
Its one-of-a-kind fatty acid composition makes coconut oil stand head and shoulders above all other Fats. Coconut oil is the richest natural source of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). This is key!
MCFAs possess mighty antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiparasitic, etc properties. These rare fat molecules stop dandruff, all the way to reducing the HIV-viral load of AIDS patients.
For good measure, I recommend enhancing your body's defenses further with a high-quality supplement. Here's how to boost your immune system even more.
Regular consumption of MCFA-rich coconut oil aids the body in eliminating disease-causing germs, thus relieving stress on your immune system.
Coconut oil takes over the job of destroying many of the
invading microorganisms. With less work to do, your white blood cells can now
focus their attention on cleaning out toxins and all kinds of undesirable
and every cell in your body requires a round-the-clock supply of either fatty
acids or glucose to fuel metabolism and keep them alive. They
die without sufficient glucose and atherosclerosis develops as
capillaries and blood vessels degenerate. Damaged artery walls form plaque
which clogs the arteries, leading to heart attack and stroke,
the two leading causes of death in diabetics.Insulin is crucial because without it, fatty acids and glucose in the blood stream won't be able to enter and feed your cells. Mitochondria, the energy producing organs of cells, transform glucose and fatty acids into fuel to power metabolic functions and for cell nourishment.
Glucose and long chain fatty acids (LCFA) have one big problem. They cannot enter your cells without insulin. Medium chain fatty acids (MCFA) richly and uniquely found in coconut oil can penetrate the mitochondria's double membrane without the assistance of the hormone insulin.
It doesn't matter whether your pancreas is producing enough insulin or your cells are insulin-resistant. You can rest assured that MCFA-rich coconut oil can still nourish your cells. What a comforting diabetic fact.
Because MCFAs can keep cells nourished, capillaries and blood vessels are kept alive and healthy which helps you a lot in preventing the development of atherosclerosis. At this point, it should be clear that coconut oil improves the circulation and cardiovascular health of diabetics. Coconut oil does not block arteries. It even opens them up. But we're not done yet.
Coconut oil can also help regulate your blood sugar levels. It slows down the emptying of the stomach so that sugars are released at a slower rate into the bloodstream. Coconut oil has a very low glycemic index which is a system of measuring the effect of specific foods on blood sugar.
Even the glycemic index of sweets and starchy foods are substantially lowered when coconut oil is added to them. Adding the versatile coconut oil to meals is very effective in lowering the glycemic index of your favorite foods.
Coconut oil diabetes blessings help address the underlying
problem right at the cellular level. Do you now see why coconut oil may be one
of the healthiest foods in the fight against diabetes?
Oil: Immune System-Booster Extraordinaire
How to boost immune system using coconut oil? The easiest,
simplest and most effective way would be to replace all your existing cooking
oils with coconut oil.
vegetable oils, especially polyunsaturated
ones like corn oil and soybean oil are structurally weak, making them highly
susceptible to oxidation. Simply said, corn and soybean oils easily rot.
they decompose, large amounts of free radicals linked to numerous degenerative
diseases are generated.Researchers have shown time and again that polyunsaturated oils encourage cancer by harming the DNA of your cells.
Your Immune System
your use of these unstable kitchen oils alone is enough to benefit your immune
system. And with coconut oil taking their place, your bodily defenses are
switched to a considerably higher gear.Because it's highly saturated at 92 percent, coconut oil is ultra resistant to oxidative damage. Simply put, coconut oil can stay fresh for a long time. You can heat and re-heat it under normal cooking temperatures and rest assured it won't produce abnormal quantities of free radicals.

How to boost immune system the quickest way using coconut oil? That would be to take it by the spoonful. But if this approach presents problems, you can always add some to beverages. Preparing your favorite foods using coconut oil instead, as explained above, is as "effortless" as it can get.
Oil's Main Weapon
Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA), the
predominant fatty acids in coconut oil, possesses superb antimicrobial
abilities you won't find in almost all other dietary fats. MCFAs can kill
a myriad of viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites and other harmful
microorganisms, including the disastrous AIDS and SARS viruses.The skin is oftentimes your first line of defense against disease and illness. Massaging coconut oil on your skin creates a chemical barrier hostile to troublesome organisms. And as it penetrates your skin, coconut oil will eventually end up in your bloodstream for yet another cycle or two, even more, of immune system support.
Healing and Repair
single meal containing coconut oil will elevate your metabolic rate for up to
24 hours, stimulating healing and repair. Unlike other dietary oils that
tend to store fat in your fat cells, MCFA-rich coconut oil is mainly used to
provide energy to power metabolism.So, that pretty much covers how to boost immune system with coconut oil...
Eating foods rich in antioxidants, enzymes, healthy fats, etc. are essential to boosting your immune system. And in the kingdom of fats and oils, none can equal the immunizing greatness of coconut oil. None!
Organic coconut oil is the result of coconut farming practices
that rely very little, if any, on artificial inputs. Organic virgin coconut oil
production emphasizes "feeding of the soil," rather than the tree.
Organic farming takes into account zero-to-minimum dependence on
man-made activities. Certifying bodies discourage the use of hazardous
chemicals from farm, to distribution, to marketing.
entire production and distribution chain, not just the end product
itself, are the important factors in organic growing.
ensure minimal contamination from air and ground pollution, coconut farming is
ideally done far away from congested cities. Some of the best organic coconuts produced are cultivated
within close proximity to a volcano where the surrounding soil is rich in
Chemical pesticides and fertilizers degrade the quality of crops
and can affect the amount of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) plentifully
found in coconut oil.
organic coconut oil designation agencies don't seem to distinguish between copra
and fresh coconut meat. Copra is dried coconut meat and sometimes called desiccated coconut, which desiccated coconut
processors vehemently reject.Copra is typically used to produce Refined, Bleached and Deodorized (RBD) oil. Because of the refining, bleaching and deodorizing process necessary for sanitation from contaminants, RBD coconut oil no longer has that fresh coconut aroma and flavor.
A number of certifying bodies also do allow for solvent use in the oil extraction. This is unacceptable in my opinion. Using chemical solvents has no place in manufacturing organic virgin coconut oil.
of "Scam-Organics"
a rich mix of high-grade coconut oil brands in the Philippines. But every once
in a while, I still encounter highly processed varieties passed on as organic extra virgin coconut oil. They're very
cheap so people are fooled into buying.Watch out for low-cost, minimally processed oils made from copra proclaimed as organic virgin coconut oil. Just because they are not as processed as RBD oil does not mean they are better than RBD oil. You'll know they are made from copra because they smell and taste awful.
Producers of certified organic virgin coconut oil adhere to stringent regulations laid out by different accrediting agencies. But it comes at a price. Part of the expenses incurred is passed on to you, the consumer. You get what you pay for...
Individual preference has a lot to do with coconut oil purchasing in my experience. Don't forget that coconut oil is a food so make sure you get one that is in agreement with your nose and tongue. Choose organic coconut oil and make sure it's genuinely certified. Even better, get it from a local producer.
Small, independent manufacturers are a lot less likely to use harmful chemicals as they simply can't afford them. In essence, they don't need organic certification which big business can "buy" any time.
Is coconut oil healthy? Absolutely! Especially organic virgin coconut oil. It retains most of the phytonutrients such as antioxidants known to have numerous health-boosting properties that have been stripped from processed or refined types.
Weight loss: The FAT that helps you lose weight

found out that by merely changing all your kitchen oils that are made of Long
Chain Triglycerides (LCT) to an oil that contains Medium Chain
Triglycerides (MCT), you can lose up to 36 pounds of excess fat a year.You don't have to change anything in your diet. Not even reduce the amount of calories you eat.
All you have to do is use coconut cooking oil in place of corn oil, soybean oil and other LCT-oils, and you can drop up to almost 40 pounds of unwanted fat yearly.
MCT-packed coconut oil doesn't circulate your bloodstream to the degree that LCT-oils do. MCTs are basically sent straight to your liver to produce energy "right away."
other oil can stimulate your metabolism like coconut oil can. None! Coconut oil diets are a surefire way to
elevate your body's calorie-burning processes and keep it elevated for long
periods of time.In fact, just a single meal containing coconut oil can raise your metabolic rate for up to 24 hours. That's right! For a full 24 hours, your body will be burning calories at a faster rate and you will have more energy.
Your liver uses MCTs generously found in unrefined coconut oil to power metabolism. Liberating energy so you can stay active longer and lose even more excess weight. Coconut oil is nature's most generous source of MCTs!
oil weight loss benefits are connected to thyroid operation.Since the thyroid regulates metabolism, it follows that coconut oil has a favorable effect on your thyroid function. A coconut oil recipe a day can energize a sluggish thyroid gland.
Do you mostly use soybean oil, olive oil, and other unsaturated vegetable oils for cooking and food preparation?
Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated oils block thyroid hormone secretion, its movement in the circulation, and the response of tissues to the hormone. Simply put, unsaturated fats disrupt thyroid activity.
A malfunctioning thyroid will slow down your metabolism (hypothyroidism). Unsaturated fats, in essence, promote weight gain more than any other fats.
In contrast, the coconut oil and thyroid function link is a "fat-burning, calorie-burning" one. By revving up metabolism, coconut oil encourages your thyroid to release hormones vital for creating energy instead of body fat.
Coconut oil doesn't block thyroid hormone secretion. It even activates it!
Weight Loss and
overweight is one of the first signs of diabetes. It is also identified
with heart disease and other degenerative diseases so it really pays to win the
"battle of the bulge."Here in the Philippines, indigenous communities are generally slim and trim. That's not because they're starving or anything like that. That's because coconut oil has always been an integral part of their diet.
Coconut oil nutritional benefits are by no means limited to weight loss. Helping you lose weight safely is just one of its many talents. But if coconut oil weight loss properties amaze you, its incredible "antimicrobial punch" is bound to impress the heck out of you.
Coconut Oil for Hair:
Your Chemical-Free Way
to Truly Radiant Hair
The amazing oil of the humble coconut has served the human
head's crowning glory for millennia.
unique chemical structure enables coconut oil to harmlessly clean, nourish,
protect, and beautify your hair.Your head has about 100,000 hair follicles. Each follicle can grow about 20 individual hairs in your lifetime. True healthy hair begins in the hair follicle where blood carries nutrients through arteries connected to it.
Because it can nourish cells quickly, thanks to its bountiful Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) or Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFA), coconut oil is one of the best natural hair growth supplements around. It replaces the natural oils your hair looses on a regular basis.
other oils used in shampoo formulations, coconut oil helps minimize protein
loss during washing to keep each hair strand strong. Try these coconut hair oil recipes and see what fits
your fancy.Coconut oil keeps protein loss at a minimum because of its close association with hair proteins.
Its 67 percent Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) content can pass freely through the cell membrane.
The smaller molecular structure of MCT-rich coconut oil enables efficient penetration inside the hair shaft.
Going bald? I'm living proof that you can treat baldness with coconut oil. Reports of coconut oil counteracting hair loss and even promoting hair growth are not uncommon.
from Within
coconut oil for hair externally or topically is the best way to go. But don't
forget that stress, illness, malnutrition and medication all have something to
say about the health of your hair.Cooking with coconut oil is one of the easiest ways to maintain good overall health. Its antimicrobial blessings assist in giving your hair full body and radiance.

Sebaceous glands secrete a fatty substance called sebum, which protects and waterproofs your hair and scalp skin to keep them from drying and breaking. Like coconut oil, sebum contains MCTs.
is Best
massage coconut oil directly on your hair and scalp and it's hard not to have
beautiful hair.It's such a fantastic conditioner and the rewards are virtually instantaneous.
The idea of coconut oil shampoo has probably crossed your mind. In my experience, this approach usually doesn't help simply because most contain a myriad of harmful ingredients as well.
Wondering how to use coconut oil in general? You'd be surprised how quick and easy it is to benefit from "The Healthiest Oil on Earth."
For thousands of years, whole generations have relied on coconut oil to give their precious crowning glory radiance. Now, it's our turn.
Coconut oil is very safe, cost-effective and really works. So, go natural! Use coconut oil for hair.
Other Interesting Points
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Childrens Book still for Sale
The folowing chidern’s books are available by author Lyndrwea
Joy Huntly (yip mum!).
The first book of a series about The Tales of the Friendly
Forest, is called “The Boot Borther’s Adventures”.
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